A Matter of Perspective

We all have heard stories of heroes. Oftentimes what defines a hero is that they continue on in face of unimaginable circumstances. If we’re blessed we know someone who not only perseveres in horrible circumstances, but who looks at them as opportunities to be grown by Christ. This is not merely an acceptance of a tough time; this is someone who recognizes that while the mountaintops are nice, the valleys are what define us. They realize that they can’t ever really experience the Father of Lights unless they’ve held His hand in the darkness. Just as trials show you who your friends are, they also reveal your faith. The fire burns; what is genuine remains.

Kierkegaard suggested that every circumstance, whether good or bad, was a gift from God. The good times are reminders of God’s bountiful blessings. the bad times are a reminder of His faithfulness. Each type of circumstance reveals something about who God is, and who were are in Christ, that may never be demonstrated otherwise. It is easy to see the good times as beneficial because they are by definition “good”. If we could view the hard times in the same way, it would probably change our perspective on both.

“O Lord, let thyself be found with a good gift to everyone who needs it, that the happy may find courage to accept thy good gifts, that the sorrowful may find courage to accept thy perfect gifts. For to men there is a difference of joy and of sorrow, but for thee, O Lord, there is no difference in these things; everything that comes from thee is a good and perfect gift.”
… Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

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Mountain Climbing

Its hard to see the pasture when the mountain looms in front of us. In the past year, I’ve had people in my life who have gone through some terrible things. For them, the promise of better things ahead, at least in the immediate future, rings false. They are not experiencing restoration of their soul (Psalm 23). Instead, they are poised for danger, ready to defend themselves against attack.

Interestingly, most of the time when people climb to the tops of these mountains, they are the loudest proclaimers of God’s faithfulness. It’s like the mountaintop view allows them to see more clearly, both where they are going and where they’ve been. They still might have unanswered questions about the experience they’ve been through, most of us do, but God’s grace has been demonstrated unequivocally in their life, and they know for certain that the One who formed the mountain will guide them to the other side. Remarkably, oftentimes the more they’ve had to climb, the greater their trust in God is. As Franics Shaeffer wrote, “The higher the mountains, the more understandable is the glory of Him who made them and who holds them in His hand.”

What heights of love, and what depths of peace we can see from a mountaintop view!

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