Dual Options


Life is filled with options.

Either you can go to the park or go to the museum.

Either you can have chicken or beef.

Either you can run a mile or you can not.

These options, and more, shape the trajectory of our lives. It’s the choices that we make that determine the direction that we go.

As we make these choices we invariably encounter difficulties. We wonder whether we should have chosen differently, and if we had, whether things would have turned out better. We wonder what choice we should make to mitigate the trial we face. We ponder whether there is any way to minimize the pain.

As Christians face their trials they should recognize that God also has a choice in how He will deal with us as we walk through them. Either He will remove the trial, or He will give us what we need to navigate the difficult road in a manner that will glorify Him. Either He is preparing a way out or He is preparing us for the challenges we face. Despite how it may feel at times, He will not merely abandon us to our difficulties (see Mt. 28:20).

This should give the believer great comfort and great hope. The Christian knows that there is no trial that takes God by surprise. Therefore, for every difficulty there is a “game plan.” If the trial ends, than we know that God has ordained relief. If the trial persists, than we know that God has given us what we need to persevere in a manner that will bring Him praise. We can take comfort in the fact that He has already prepared us for whatever lies ahead. We can have hope that even when the days may be uncertain, He is not (see Ja. 1:17). Our trial may be weighty, but His burden is light (Mt. 11:30).

So the next time we are faced with something unexpected, or the next time that our feet seem trapped on a difficult road, let us take heart that one of two things will happen – the trial will end or we will be equipped for it. There is nothing that can be thrown at us that we can’t glorify Christ through. There is no road that we will walk that He hasn’t prepared us for. In Christ we are “more than conquerors” (Ro. 8:37) and regardless of the choices that life offers us, being in His care is the best option there is.

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Or Give Me Grace


There is a popular saying that “there are no atheists in the foxhole.” The saying originated from the recognition that when we are in a difficult situation even the nonreligious are often quick to seek out assistance from a Heavenly Source. Of course, it’s not just foxholes where these prayers of petition are made. In circumstances that are much less dangerous many of us are quick to ask God to change things so that we may benefit.

Unfortunately, many people are discouraged when their prayers for new circumstances seemingly fall on deaf ears. Whether it’s a wayward child, a lack of employment or the illness of a loved one, we plead for God to change things, and yet the situation remains the same. This is true even in the seemingly mundane trials of life – those admittedly minor inconveniences that can cause a disproportionate amount of stress in our days. We want God to jump in and fix our problem, and while we recognize that He is perfectly capable of doing so, often He does not.

What I’ve recently learned is that perhaps my prayer for a quick fix is insufficient. This isn’t to say that God doesn’t answer it because it doesn’t meet some type of prescribed standard, but instead that I’m only looking at the situation from a partial perspective. From my vantage point the way that the situation becomes better is for God to change it. From His viewpoint, it may be better still to instead provide me with what I need in order to walk through the difficulty and glorify Him regardless. In other words – it is proper that I ask God to intervene on my behalf – and as a loving Father He often graciously grants my request (Luke 11:5-13). But instead of only asking for the circumstance to change, it may be wise for me to ask that if it does not, that He gives me the grace to walk through it in a manner that pleases Him.

Adding this addendum to my petition may seem insignificant, but it accomplishes at least two things. First, it reminds me of the fact that I need to trust God with the decision of whether or not the difficulty that I’m facing should be obliterated. He may, in His infinite wisdom, decide that my good and His glory are better served not by removing me from the challenging situation, but  by me remaining in it. Secondly, adding this addition to my request serves as recognition that if things don’t change, this doesn’t give me free reign to complain or otherwise gripe about the difficulty I’m facing. Instead, God is willing to graciously grant me something else – the grace I need to glorify Him through it. God doesn’t leave us in challenging circumstances because of indifference; through them, He desires to accomplish something good.

It’s easy to ask God to remove the bad things from our lives. We are less inclined to ask Him to grant us grace to walk through the trials in a manner that is worthy of being called His child. Yet as we do so, not only may we view our circumstances a little more from a Heavenly perspective, but we will likely bring Him more glory and acclaim – whether the trials are removed or whether they are not.

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