Prepared Path

The 23rd Psalm used to scare me.

I realize that might be a strange thing to admit, and maybe a stranger thing to be a reality, but nonetheless, it’s the truth.

If you think about it, for a young child there’s a lot of scary words in there -“valley of the shadow of death,” “in the presence of my enemies” even talk of not fearing any evil can be fear-inducing if you don’t really understand what the words mean.

So what was intended to bring comfort brought me concern. As an adult, however, I’ve realized something very important about the 23rd Psalm – God is the One who is doing most of the action.

He’s leading.

He’s restoring.

He’s preparing.

The reason that the 23rd Psalm brings comfort is because the sheep can trust in the work of the Shepherd. We can have confidence that the One who is in charge will not take us somewhere that He has not already scoped out, ensuring the safety of the sheep’s arrival. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be dangers along the way – after all, sometimes the way to the destination involves some rugged paths. It does mean, however, that He knows how to thwart whatever perils there may be. Like all sheep, our job is to follow. It is the Shepherd who determines the way.

And perhaps, this is scary too. In a day where we are used to precise directions on how to get from Point A to Point B it can be difficult to not know every step along the path. But we don’t have to – because He does. We just need to walk the path that He’s already prepared.


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Great Things

Lately, I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the truly sad things in the world. Perhaps it’s a sign of maturity to have a greater perspective on how other people are suffering or perhaps it’s a season in life where it seems that more people I know are hurting in real and life-altering ways.  In either case, it’s easy to feel helpless – all the while knowing that I am beseeching the greatest Help on their behalf. The little things that I can do with my own abilities seem inconsequential in light of the deep hurt that they endure.

Yet, I’m reminded that I serve a God who does great things with small offerings. Whether it’s a boy’s lunch miraculously serving thousands, or a widow’s mite that was a testament to true sacrifice, God specializes in using acts of obedience to accomplish far more than they would on their own. Esther’s willingness to approach the king on her uncle’s godly advice brought an evil man to justice and saved a nation. It must have seemed futile to her – yet through it God accomplished much.

So it is with our own acts of obedience. We may not always see how God chooses to use them but we can trust that He is. Not only for the purpose of our growth and pursuit of Him, but for others’ as well. Offering what we have – whether it’s a prayer on someone’s behalf, a home cooked meal, a hospital visit, or an encouraging note – may not seem like much, but God may use it in mighty ways to draw someone to Him. Our concern isn’t the degree to which God will accomplish something through it, but the degree of our obedience. And if we do what He asks we can be assured that He will use it for His purpose.

Our small offerings of faith and obedience may never save a nation like Esther did. Then again, she probably didn’t think hers would either.

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