Predicating Factor

Human beings don’t have a hard time thinking about themselves.  Children often learn “mine” as one of their first words, and using that word frequently, whether verbally or just mentally, usually continues throughout adulthood. It must be why Scripture is replete with the command to “humble yourselves.” After all, if we are thinking of ourselves too highly, we aren’t thinking of God highly enough.

One of the things that we don’t often consider is how much thinking highly of ourselves, pride, is a predicating factor for worry. I Peter 5:6-7 helps makes this so clear. In verse 6 is the oft-repeated command to humble ourselves. The very next verse tells us outcome of doing so – we cast all our anxieties upon Him. The opposite is true then as well. When we don’t humble ourselves, when we are prideful, we keep our cares under our own control. Essentially, we worry.

This is a hard truth to swallow. After all, in today’s culture worry is considered the right and privilege of doting parents, concerned teachers, and a thousand of other roles that we think have the “right” to feel anxious about the future. However, God’s Word says that this is wrong. None of God’s children have been given the right to worry. Instead, we have all been given the privilege of reliance on Him.

Therefore, next time we are prone to worry, we must first recognize that the likely culprit is that we are thinking too highly of ourselves. We think that we are the ones in control, when the truth is that we are far from it. Instead, we need to cast our cares on the One who has the cosmos in His hands. To do so, we must start with humility.


Now it’s your turn….

How have you seen pride turn to worry? How can we practically humble ourselves so that we are relying on God and not our own abilities?

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Hastened to the Haven

Living in southern California, we don’t experience inclement weather very often. As a result, unlike most places in the world, when rain approaches, you’ll see Facebook status updates excited about the impending storm. (Of course, we are rather fickle in our excitement because it only takes a few consecutive days of rain for the complaints to supplant the former excitement.) For us, rain is viewed as a nice change of pace, rather than the inconvenience and hassle that most geographies consider it.

The reason that rain is often disparaged is because other places are too familiar with the destruction that storms can bring. Devastation often follows a downpour and the effects are real and lasting. However, in the storms in life, much like the Californian, the Christian should have a different perspective on the rain. As Charles H. Spurgeon reminds us,

Fear not the storm, it brings healing in its wings, and when Jesus is with you in the vessel, the tempest only hastens the ship to its desired haven.

We know that storms cause us to be tossed about, but as the great English preacher exhorts us, followers of Christ also known that in that turmoil, He is bringing us to the harbor. He controls the waves of the ocean, and the waves of our lives, and He often uses the swells to bring us to His desired destination. This doesn’t mean conquering the tempest will be easy, but it does mean that we can trust that He is using the crests and the crashes to accomplish His purposes. And because we are His, we know that wherever He brings us, in His love, we are safe.

May we increasingly see the storms of this life as an opportunity for God to hasten us to His haven, and may we trust in where the One who commands the waves, leads.


Share your thoughts…

How have you seen God use storms to bring you to the harbor?

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