While We Wait

Please enjoy the music while your party is reached.

This refrain became popular as phone companies began providing people with the opportunity to select music that their callers would hear rather than the traditional ring tone. It offered the caller a unique and hopefully more pleasant waiting experience, and it offered the receiver a chance to exert their personality to whomever may call.  Instead of just waiting for the anticipated answer, now the caller had something to do to occupy their time.

In the Christian life, it often seems like we do a lot of waiting. Whether it’s waiting to see how God will work through a particular situation, or waiting for our Heavenly Home, we spend a lot of our journey in anticipation of what’s coming next. However, just like the popular cell phone refrain, we shouldn’t be spending our wait time doing nothing. We should be using that time to glorify God, to work for Him, and in doing so, bringing Him worship.
As a song by John Waller says:

While I’m waiting

I will serve you

While I’m waiting

I will worship

While I’m waiting

I will not faint

I will be running the race

Even while I wait.

May the same be true of us. May we not squander our wait time, but may we “keep on, keeping on” knowing that in the waiting, we can worship, and in the worship, our waiting becomes a beautiful thing.


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Stand Still Hope

There are seasons where time seems to stand still.

Nothing is moving forward.

Where you want there to be progress, there is delay.

Where you want there to be growth, there’s stagnation.

Where you want there to be change, there’s more of the same.

These seasons are hard to contend with. We know what we long for and yet it’s out of our grasp. We can anticipate what it will be like when our hearts desires  are fulfilled but we don’t know when or how we will get them. We see what could be, but it seems overwhelmed by what is.

And through all of this, God is working.

When time seems to stand still, He’s moving.

When there are delays, He’s making opportunities.

Where we see the same, He’s making us different.

Because when nothing seems to be happening, God is still actively and intentionally bringing about His purpose.

This is why that in the stillness, we have hope. Because we know what awaits us on the other side. We know that what He’s working towards is ultimately what the Christian desires – to be used by Him to bring Him glory.

And that’s always worth the wait.

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