Righting Wrongs

One of the greatest roadblocks that face people confronted with the Gospel is if God is good why does He let bad things happen to good people? Of course, usually the person asking this question is thinking of a particular someone who they believe is good and didn’t deserve the bad things that befell them. Attempting to comfort them with the fact that the rain falls on the righteous and the unrighteous usually doesn’t work. They want to understand why their particular loved one had to suffer.

An attempt to answer this particular question has been made previously and I won’t attempt to do so here again. However, a conversation that I had recently brought this question up again. Having tried to address the broader question, the conversationalist made it more specific; “if Jesus says we are to love our enemies, why did God command Israelites to go to war with their’s? Isn’t this a contradiction in God’s character?” I faltered and my response was less than adequate, however I promised I would consider the question further. I knew one thing though – it wasn’t a question of God’s character, it was a question of my understanding. God’s character is consistent, my understanding of it, not so much.

Having done what I promised, this is what I believe. Rebellion to God is rooted in pride. Pride considers oneself greater than others and so when we are wronged, we attempt to correct the injustice done against us. When we love our enemies, we are acknowledging that any sin committed against me is really sin against God and it is therefore His to avenge. When Jesus (and God) commands us to love our enemies His reminding us that we too were His enemies and it is only through His sacrificial love that we were able to have a relationship with Him and a place in heaven. Therefore, who are we to met out personal justice to others?

However, there are times that God uses us and bestows leadership upon others – in the form of government, church leaders, and other authority – to be instruments of His work and distributors of His justice. The Israelites weren’t commanded to go to war in order to avenge the justice done against them; they were told to fight so that God’s justice could be manifest. This is a rightly established process that God has established to get a society functioning. He places people in positions of authority to do His work. As followers of Him, we’re to follow rightly and godly authority that He has established.

It hopefully goes without saying that a thousand clarifications could be added to this brief synopsis. We are not required to follow the acts of a despot just because they have hijacked a position of authority. Evil men are instruments of their own desires, not God’s. But just because a godly system has been corrupted, doesn’t mean that the principle, when rightly established doesn’t stand.

The ironic part of all this is that we are more likely to fight against the injustice done to us personally than to correct the offense against God which permeates our world. The disparity lies in our character, not God’s.

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Not Such A Small World

I never liked to travel. In fact, although hate may be too strong of a word, I definitely disliked it greatly. I was a homebody; I liked the comfortableness of routine. That is, until I learned to travel my way – with as few plans as possible. Take me on a trip where every minute is scheduled and I’m miserable. Let me go exploring and I’m as happy as can be. My delayed awakening to the joys of travel meant that I, unlike my sister, never went on a jaunt around Europe to celebrate the conclusion of high school. Nor did I go on one of the many fabulous trips offered during my college career. To some extent, I’m making up for the deficiency now as I travel more than I thought I ever would.

Because of my original disinclination to travel and my subsequent embrace of it, I now try to convince others of its value. Namely with my students, but with others as well. One of the reasons for this is that its hard not to love a place that you’ve really experienced. We tend to get so wrapped up in our worlds that the news of death and destruction in other places rarely touch us. But when you’ve been there, when you know the names and the faces of those who are threatened, the headlines took on a whole new meaning. You live for the next story, you visit cnn.com often, and you pray with every fiber of your being.

I know of which I write as I have recently returned from Kenya. For those who don’t know, I left on Dec. 28 and since December 29 the country has been terrorized by riots, violence, and politicking the places the ego of the supposed leaders over the lives of their followers. The country is literally ripping at the seams, and as I anxiously await the news of my friends’ village, I am gripped by the reality that the extent of this turmoil would have effected me much less if I had not been there to experience the country’s beauty. My heart is broken regularly for a country who, for me, defined welcoming, and is now defined by violence. A community that I grew to love, is now threatened for its existence and a people who have worked so hard to achieve a better life, now struggle to protect any life at all.

Being thousands of miles away there is little that I can do for this community, but I can do this. Empowering Lives International has set up an emergency fund to help in care for those who are displaced. You can read more here on ELI’s blog. Donation information is as follows:

Empowering Lives International
PO Box 67 Upland, CA 91785
Earmark it for the “Kenya Emergency Fund

Regardless of your ability to give please be praying not only for my friends and their community, but for the leaders both local and national to see God’s face, be inspired by His glory and to find His peace.

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