When I Am god – Tim Challies reminds us of what happens when we place ourselves in God’s rightful place.
God loves good wine – Jon Bloom, at Desiring God, writes about how good wine is produced and what that means for our work with God. Hint – the best wine isn’t produced in the easiest conditions.
Americans and the Bible – Lifeway releases new research about the Bible-reading habits of Americans. Ed Stetzer recaps that research here.
Rest in Peace, Britannica – When the announcement that the Encyclopedia Britannica will cease print production, Albert Mohler reflects on what its impact in our culture.
The Time Given Us – A reminder from Frodo about the burden of certain journeys, and how it pertains to our own journey, especially during this Lenten season.
The Humblest Words – When we echo Paul’s words to “be like me,” we must always echo his humility. Tim Challies warns us that if we aren’t careful these can be words of pride, but if we follow Paul’s example they contain a recognition of who we are, and Who has transformed our lives.
Warned by Job – John Piper reminds us of one of the lessons from the book of Job – are our successes our treasure or is God?
An Evangelical Looks at St. Patrick – Dr. Moore re-shared this post from 2009, and although it’s post-holiday, I’m sharing it again as it is a good reminder of the man behind St. Patrick’s Day.