Praying for Your Straying Soul – “The soul is always in motion. If you think yours is motionless, you are probably floating downstream. Daily the soul is lured to other treasures, other satisfactions, other rewards besides Jesus and his way. Jesus taught us to pray daily, ‘forgive us for these wanderings and lead us not into, but out of, them.’”
White Evangelicals & Social Media – “A recent survey suggests that white evangelical Protestants are ‘significantly more likely than other major religious groups to use technology for religious purposes.'” (H/T)
Encouragement from Predestination – We don’t normally think of encouragement and predestination as two words that go together, but this post gives us five reasons why our election as Christians should encourage our hearts. There are too many rich tidbits to quote here, so go ahead and read the whole thing for yourself. (H/T)
What Do You Have to Be Proud Of? – “It seems like the Corinthians forgot a very important principle: If we have something, it means someone gave it to us.”
Do Good in This World By Loving the Next – “Within the creative tension of restlessness and patience, as the Christian leans forward toward God’s eternal future, the actual result is productive engagement in the world and spiritual transformation within.”
Complicated Isn’t Compromised “But making compromises is not the same as being compromised. Compromises find a third way where there is no obvious black or white way. Being compromised is to be breached, weakened, or broken. It is to have your convictions undermined. Compromises can strengthen the value of your morality; being compromised weakens it.” (H/T)
Love At Fifth Sight – “Sometimes, when you don’t feel that spark, it’s for a reason, and no amount of time together is going to kindle it. But in our case, at least, my wife’s willingness to give things with me more space and time than she would have done when she was younger gave romance time to take, so to speak. Call it love at fifth sight.”
To Suffer Faithfully – “The parries, blows and thrusts of the preliminary rounds may look mighty impressive, and of course they too have a role to play in giving glory to God. But on the path toward our death and resurrection, most of us will end up reaching a place where the main event is something much simpler and harder: “suffer[ing] faithfully”. And all the small inconveniences and irritations and hardships along the way are training for that day!” (H/T)
Our Pioneering Savior – Scripture gives His children many assurances about the pain we experience in this life. Two of them are that Christ is with us in our pain, and that He delivers us from it.
Good News for Bad Preachers – Although written for those who preach, this post contains an important truth for anyone involved in ministry. You won’t hit a home run out of the park from the beginning, but if you have people who are honest with you enough to help you improve, that is a good thing.
Why The Gospel is Offensive – “God is the active agent in our salvation—and this does not sit well with our pride. This is why the gospel is called an offense. Nobody wants to hear that they are a charity case. “