Reward in Full – Jill Carattini writes about heavenly rewards and reminds us that “[w]here the motive is the honor of God and not personal recognition or gain, we store up something that can neither be destroyed nor stolen, something far more weighty than notoriety, wealth, or praise.”
Seeing God’s Glory – Jon Bloom writes about the cares of this world and how they choke our affection for the word. “And when we’re choking, we can’t see the glory the word reveals. We might know about glorious things, but if knowing doesn’t produce seeing, it does us little good.”
Online Dating – Tim Challies responds to a question by a reader regarding online dating services and gives some practical wisdom about their use.
“Co-Belligerence” – Denny Burk looks at some of the new provisions laid out by the Department of Health and Human Services (as a result of “Obamacare) and how that as resulted in some unlikely cooperative relationships on the issues of religious freedom.
Painful Discipline – When it comes to discipline, “[p[erhaps we prefer that our Heavenly Father delivers only a “tippy, tap, tippy, tap” or “light pressure.” And that’s all we want to attribute to God. But the really hard and painful times of suffering in life — those memorably painful times — may be stinging discipline from our Heavenly Father.”
The Laity-Clergy Caste System – “Laypeople often think that this means their job is to pay, pray, get out of the way. To make sure we are not communicating a low, irresponsible view of laypeople one thing is critical. We must create an atmosphere of expectation.”
A Mother’s Mission – “Truth is, we can’t effectively train our children on the side. We can’t discipline them here and there. We can’t teach when we’ve got a free moment. We can’t mother intermittently. Inconsistent training is ineffective training.”
The Currency of Conviction – Kevin DeYoung examines our culture’s tendency to view something as “wrong” if a victim can be easily identified and discusses the consequences of such a belief.