The Christian Business – “[F]or everyone who frequents a Christian business or works at one, it is crucial to remember that, yes, it is seeking to honor the name of Christ, but it does so by supporting your church, not being it…..Both churches and businesses suffer when they try to be the other.”
Persevere in Prayer – “The fact that it doesn’t seem like the answers are coming does not indicate that they won’t. Sometimes you have to be more persistent than you think.”
The Story Isn’t Finished Yet – An important reminder for when we are going through a trial….the Christian already knows the end of the story.
The Best and The Worst – It is hard to follow the command to “consider it all joy” when we face trials. Randy Alcorn provides a reminder of how looking at God’s faithfulness in the past can help us do that.
Awkwardness & Evangelism – “Awkwardness seems so horrible when it’s in front of us. But it’s not nearly as bad behind us.”
Fragile Wall – In reflecting on a familiar parable, this post reminds us that “[i]f we are to be like the wise builder, then we must construct our foundation on the rock by practicing the righteousness we have learned. We will find that the cost demanded of us is no less than a radical submission to the exclusive lordship of Jesus. However, the reward comes when we find our house still standing after the final storm leaves and when the sun breaks through again.”
Honest Prayer – Reflecting on David McIntyre’s The Hidden Life of Prayer, Tim Challies reminds us that it is important to be honest with God in our prayers, and shares why it’s important that we share”complaints” with God but that they remain between Him and us.
Nowness and Obedience – A reminder that obedience can’t happen in the past or the future, but only in the present.
Freedom in Christ – “In the Reformed community there has been quite an emphasis of late on the freedom we have in Christ from the guilt of sin. Thank God! That is essential in our Gospel preaching and teaching. But let us with equal force remind one another that we have been set free from the reign and power of sin as well. This is just as essential to our Gospel preaching and teaching.”