The Unnamed Prophet – An important lesson based on the story in I Kings 13 about an unnamed prophet and his disobedience.
The Last Enemy – A reminder that we can not escape death, and yet, “even in the face of suffering and death, as a follower of Christ, I neither bury my head in the sand nor grope blindly in total darkness. With faithfulness and joy, I enthusiastically render service to my God.”
The Pastor’s Wife & Her Primary Ministry – Although written for pastors’ wife, I think this article is helpful for all wives. It is also beneficial to help frame our expectations for the wives of our pastors.
Regrets & God’s Sovereignty – Mark Altrogge writes that “though we may have to deal with long-lasting consequences of sin or bad decisions, we must put them in our sovereign God’s hands and trust he’ll work even our failures for our good and his glory.” Which isn’t to suggest that we should avoid fighting sin, but does give some helpful perspective when we do succumb to it.
Five Reasons – In light of President Obama’s announcement yesterday, Kevin DeYoung provides five reasons why Christians should stand strong in fighting for a biblical definition of marriage.
Nonsense or New Life – Ravi Zacharias starts this post tackling the question of God’s existence and then transitions to what the reality of God does to the life of one of His followers. It includes this money quotation, “Yet how can there be a minimalist view of conversion when conversion itself is a maximal work of God’s grace?” Check it out.
Wherever I Wind Up – Tim Challies reviews a book about a baseball player, his conversion and his walk with God. I’m including it here mainly because my dad loved the sport, and if you do too, the book sounds like it’s worth the read.
‘Til We See Beauty – Are we gazing upon God and delighting in the relationship we have with Him?
Mother’s Day & The Infertile – Dr. Russell Moore reminds us that “the Proverbs 31 woman needs our attention, but the 1 Samuel 1 woman does too.”
Blessed To Not Be Blessed – It’s tempting to wonder what God is up to when He withholds what we consider “good” from us. But we need to trust in God’s wisdom that His definition of goodness is better than ours.
5 Difficult Pastoral Challenges – Thom Rainer provides five specific challenges that a pastor faces. If your pastor faces one of them this week, say a special prayer for God’s provision and strength.