The Gospel and Personal Evangelism

If you long for increased motivation to reach people with the good news of Christ, this is the book for you. In it, Mark Dever discusses the methods he uses in his evangelistic endeavors and also makes the persuasive case that evangelism is the duty of every follower of Christ. While some may want to regulate that duty to so called “super Christians,” Dever shows how any Christian can and should engage in this task. This book is relatively short and doesn’t contain any complicated theological concepts, however its potential impact shouldn’t be minimalized.  By showing how every believer can and should engage in sharing the Gospel, Dever has written a book that can have a significant Kingdom impact. 

One of my favorite anecdotes from the book involves how the author frequents a local dining establishment for the sole purpose of building relationships with those who need Christ. So often we make decisions about seemingly simple things, like where we will eat or shop, based on our own preferences and convenience.  If instead we made these decisions with a focus on how our evangelistic endeavors may be furthered, not only would we be more intentional in the decision-making process, but I think we would also be more intentional in evangelizing. We would then have more evangelistic encounters and more likely to have the awesome experience of being used by God to bring someone into His Kingdom. And that opportunity would rightly make all our objections to evangelism seem appropriately insignificant and worthless.