Bits & Pieces (August 3)

May the joy of the Lord be your strength today and may you find your satisfaction in Him alone.

  • Why You Should Reach Out to an Old Friend, According to Science – We may think that someone who hasn’t heard from us in a long time, has no interest in hearing from us now. However, research suggests rekindling of these long-time connections has a greater impact than we suspect. And when we reach out to old friends for the sake of God’s Kingdom, the impact could be an eternal one.

  • “One Anothers” You Won’t Find in the New Testament – “The kind of God we really believe in is revealed in how we treat one another. The lovely gospel of Jesus positions us to treat one another like royalty, and every non-gospel positions us to treat one another like dirt.  But we will follow through horizontally on whatever we really believe vertically.”

Yesterday’s blog post: Petitions, Preferences & Our Kids