Joyfully Responsible

I am a do-er. For as long as I can recall, I have been someone who takes great satisfaction in crossing completed tasks off my list. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment when a job is done, and I like being a person that others can rely on to finish things.

One of the challenges of being a do-er is that there is a temptation to define your life based on what you have done, rather than the person that you are. There is danger in this on multiple levels. First, my standing before God is based on Christ’s work and not my own. If I define myself based on what I have accomplished than I am not defining myself based on the same terms that God uses. The most importation definition for me should be that I am a child of the King, and that is only accomplished because of the penalty that Christ paid on my behalf and His conquering of the grave. 

Another danger of thinking of myself in terms of my accomplishments is that often the things that I must do start to feel like burdens rather than opportunities. Even good things like ministry and taking care of my family can start to be viewed as “have to’s” rather than “get to’s.” The responsibilities that God has granted me can weigh me down as I attempt to accomplish them in my own strength based on my own abilities. I may even be tempted to think of Heaven as a place where I can escape these duties, a place where I take it easy and rest. 

However, this view of responsibilities and my eternal destiny is in direct contrast to what God’s Word teaches us.  Jesus said that if we are faithful with little that we should be faithful with much (Luke 16:10). Thus, having much to do is not something to escape, but rather a reward to pursue. Of course, this presumes that the things that we are focusing our time, attention, and energy on are things that have eternal value.  When this is the case, responsibilities are something to be cherished and grateful for because we know that through doing our duties, we are making a difference for God’s Kingdom.

Additionally, it is apparent in the Bible that if God’s children are faithful with their God-given responsibilities on this Earth, He will grant them greater responsibilities in His Eternal Kingdom (see Luke 19:12-27). Because Heaven will be a place of peace rather than pain, a place of gladness rather than tears, we can conclude that the work that God gives us in His coming Kingdom will be a source of great honor and contentment. We will find joy in the work He has called us to do, because it will be work that the God of all glory, power, and might, has graciously given us. 

The same is true for the work that He has given us now. Because He is the one who assigns us our roles, our tasks, and our obligations, we should consider it a privilege to do what He has called us to do. This applies not just to obeying His commands (which of course, we should be honored to do that as well), but in the specific duties that He has assigned to us through the positions in our families, church, and community that He has graciously appointed to us.  God could have assigned anyone else to these roles, but in His kindness, He has given them to us. Therefore, as we do them, as we consider our obligations and our commitments, may we find great satisfaction and joy in them. May our responsibilities remind us of the goodness of our God who mercifully uses redeemed sinners to accomplish His work, both in this world, and in eternity to come.