Sometimes it can seem like life is about navigating the detours. We make plans, we prepare contingencies, and still the unexpected happens. There is much that transpires that we cannot explain; there are often times where it is a challenge to see how God is at work.
And yet (and this is a big “and yet”), we know that God is. There is nothing that happens on this Earth that is outside of His sovereign control. There is nothing that happens in the lives of His kids that He will not one day transform and restore. He wastes nothing. When we face hard times, it can be difficult to understand why He allows a specific sin to be committed against us or a particular pain to invade our lives. But our lack of knowing His plan does not mean there isn’t one. And so, even when we can’t see what He is doing, we can trust. Not because we know the plan, but because we know the One who has purposed all things – to be used for His glory and our good (Romans 8:28). And ultimately, the greatest good your life, and mine, is for us to increasingly be conformed to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). God is wonderfully good to redeem the hard times to accomplish that aim.
I don’t know what challenges you are facing or what difficulties you are contending with, beloved saint, but I know this – God wastes nothing. He will use it all. And one day when we see fully (I Cor. 3:12), we will be so grateful for how He used the messes of our lives to create something beautiful for Him.