
We’ve all seen it.

It’s a classic scene in almost any Western movie.

→The vilian looks like they will succeed.

→The hero realizes that it’s up to him to save the day.

→He grabs his trusty horse, digs in his heels and gallups towards danger. Ultimately, it’s what brings about victory.

The reason, of course, that the hero digs in his heels is because on the side of the boots he’s wearing metal spurs. The spurs are designed to “encourage” the horse to go faster. They’re sharp and they’re pointed and they offer a lot of motivation.  They prompt the horse towards the correct course of action. The horse knows that if he wants to eliminate the pain, he must do what his master desires.

It’s that imagery that gave me a new appreciation for the command that we are to “spur” each other on to love and good deeds when one of our pastors pointed out the true meaning of the word.

Often I think of that word as being synynomous with encouragement. Which I guess it can be. But that doesn’t mean that the encouragement will always be pleasant.

It doesn’t meaning that our spurring each other on is limited to platitudes and Facebook “like’s.”

Sometimes we must spur each other on in ways that cause temporary pain.

→We must help a brother or sister in Christ realize how they’ve sin.

→We must prompt them to return to doing what their Master desires.

→We must show them how to run faster after Jesus.

And it may not be pleasant.

But we’re still called to do it.

So that they too, may experience victory.

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