Casted Crowns

There are words and phrases that we say in the Christian life that we have learned but may have never pondered. They become part of our vocabulary even though we may not fully understand their meaning. We’ve become used to them, and so we repeat them, almost without thinking.

Recently, I realized that “casting crowns” was one such phrase for me.

There’s a band with the name.

We sing about it.

We may even know Bible verses that talk about it.

But for me, my understanding of it was rather elementary.

In my mind, casting crowns at Jesus’ feet was synonymous with laying down our treasures and our trophies. We give Him the good things that we have because He has given us things that are so much better. And while this is certainly true, there is a difference between trophies, treasures and crowns. Trophies are earned, treasures are discovered, but crowns are granted. In other words,  my trophies and treasures are mine because I’ve something that I did, but crowns – they’re granted because of who someone is. It’s not something that’s earned – it’s a right that’s bestowed.

But maybe my lack of distinction between the three was more a reflection of my propensities rather than my intellect. After all, somehow it seems easier to give back to Christ the good things that I’ve accumulated, as if somehow I’m validating my worth in my Savior’s perspective (never mind the fact that all these good things are but filthy rags to Him.) But my crown? The very rights I have – to make my own decisions, do my own thing, and be who I want to be – that’s a much harder proposition.

Yet, hard as it may be, it’s still the proper thing to do, as Scripture makes clear. Christ Himself said that a follower of Him must “deny himself and take up his cross and follow me”  (Matthew 16:24).  As we all know, denying ourselves is no easy thing, especially when we have the “right” to do what we want. But Jesus doesn’t want just the good things that we do on His behalf – He wants our very selves.  Which means we stop being the ruler of our own lives, and we let Him be.

In other words, by laying down our crowns, we make sure that He’s the only One who’s wearing one. And that’s how it should be.


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Hurts Him More

“This hurts me more than it hurts you.”

How many of us have cringed at these words?

When you’re a child it’s hard to believe that the pain your parent is experiencing in meting out the discipline is worse than the pain you are experiencing in receiving it.

As you grow, however, you begin to realize the possible veracity behind these words.  While it is not fun to receive correction, it also can be difficult to give it. And the person giving it has the perspective of knowing what could have been if the discipline had not been necessary. In other words, the child’s limited view only sees the temporal pain of correction; the parent who disciplines the child correctly also is plagued by the realization of what the child could have experienced had the correction not been necessary.

I think Christ may have viewed the Cross similarly. When Christ gave His life, He received the punishment that we all had rightly earned. When we think upon that sacrifice, we are often moved by the depth of His love that He would be willing to bear such pain on our behalf. Yet I can’t help but think that regardless of our grief over Christ having to bear our sins,  the price He paid is greater than we can realize this side of Heaven for we can’t know the beauty and majesty of what He gave up. We can imagine it, but we don’t know what it’s like to be in a place where there is no sin, and where God’s glory is the central focus. We aren’t accustomed to the riches of heaven and so we can properly value and appreciate it. We tend to think only of the physical pain that He experienced and to which we can relate. But His sacrifice wasn’t just the fact that He took on all our punishment, which is amazing enough, but that He gave up so much in order to do it.

The pain of our sin had to hurt Him a lot more than it ever hurts us. Yet He bore it because He loves us.

And perhaps, in letting the truth of that sink in, we’d be less inclined to give in to sin and more inclined to live completely for Him.

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