Poured Out Example

If you have ever been at a dinner table when someone knocks a glass over, you’ve seen the mad rush to try to contain the spilled liquid. Borders are erected, napkins are thrown down because we know that the drink will quickly spread into the nooks and crannies that surround it. If it’s not limited, its effect won’t be either.

Thinking through this image gives a new meaning to when Paul says that his life was “being poured out” for other believers.  A life that lives in service to Christ and His church in this way, is not a life that is contained, content to simply check off “service” from their Christian to-do list. Instead, a life that is poured out as an offering to Christ is one that is getting into the nooks and crannies of lives. They see unanticipated needs and rush to meet them. Their service is not inhibited by borders – either real or perceived. They are soaking the lives around them with the love and grace of God.

Much like the spilled drink at the dinner table, this will often have unexpected effects. I witnessed this recently with my mom. When her best friend became suddenly and drastically ill, she faithfully served her friend and her friend’s family night and day. No task was too menial and no errand too small. She was willing to do whatever was needed – pouring out her life for the sake of others. It only took a few days for the girls in the junior high ministry, where my mom normally serves, to realize something must have happened in her life for her not to be as involved with them as she normally is. Note that – a few days. She had so faithfully been serving them that her absence was quickly noticed, and when they discovered the reason for it, they got busy thinking of ways that they could serve her – bringing her groceries and flowers to encourage her as she ministered to her friend.

This is what happens when our lives are poured out for Christ. We may not always get to see the unexpected results of living a life of uncontained sacrifice, but God is faithful to use it for the sake of His kingdom. And a poured out life doesn’t just minister to those who they are serving, but it becomes an example for other believers as well.


What are some of the unexpected effects  of living a poured out life that you have experienced?

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Burn the Nets

We’ve probably all heard the old tale of how monkeys are caught. Some glittering object is put into a trap and the monkey grabs it. The trap is made in such a way that all the monkey has to do is let go of the glittery possession and they can escape, but they don’t. They would rather hold on to the thing that will end up being the impetus for their demise.

I have no idea if this works in actuality. A quick Google search wasn’t definitive. However, the reason it has probably gained such traction is that we all struggle with letting go. We are prone to cling to things – whether it’s an old relationship, a favorite toy, or our high school yearbooks. We hold on to what we have, afraid that what we might get in return won’t be worth it.

Peter seems to have had this problem. He leaves the fishing business in order to follow Jesus (Mt. 4:18-22), but upon Jesus’ crucifixion he goes right back to the boats (Jn. 21:1-3). He had said he left everything to follow Him, but it was in word only. When things got tough he went back to what was known, what was comfortable. He went back to the past, because he was afraid of what the future would hold.

And to me, it seems the problem is that the nets were waiting for his return. He still hung on to his old life, even when he was living in the new. He hadn’t abandoned his old self; he had just set it aside for a bit.

What he needed to do was to burn the nets; to incinerate any trappings of his former life. To trust in the One that he declared  was the Messiah – resting in the assurance that just as he had taken care of Peter’s past, so He would the future.

Looking back, it’s easy for us to see this, because we know the end of the story. We know that Jesus would go to Peter, prepare a meal, and would mend the fences that were broken by Peter’s denial. Much in the same way we know that at the end of our lives everything we’ve let go of won’t compare to the glory that God’s prepared. But Peter didn’t have that perspective. He just knew that he was alone, and that he had abandoned the One who loved him the most. So his shame and confusion prompted him to return.

But he wouldn’t have had that option…if only he had burned the nets.


Please share your thoughts…how have you let go of the past in order to prepare for the future God has called you to?

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