Treasure Trove

When I was in youth group we used to play a game called “Bigger or Better.” The idea was that every team started off with some innocuous object – a toothpick, a paper plate, etc. The goal was to go house to house and see if the occupants would trade that object for something that was bigger or better. You repeated this with each new object you acquired until time expired and whichever team brought back the biggest or the best item won the game.

It was amazing the things you could get in return for some worthless object. Much like a white elephant gift exchange prompts people to scour their closets for that long-forgotten treasure that they no longer desire, people would search their houses in order to find some object that would help us win. One time a team brought a toilet back. I’m pretty sure that they claimed victory that day.

The thrill of a treasure hunt is not new to this youth group activity. The lure of a forgotten gem buried and waiting for us to discover it is the stuff of fairy tales and real-life adventures. We like the idea that there is something of value just waiting for us to find it.  It’s the excitement of finding a neglected $20 bill in your pocket, just magnified considerably.

Christians, however, often neglect to realize that we have far greater gems waiting for us in God’s Word. John Bunyan, the author of Pilgrim’s Progress is said to have remarked, ” I never knew all there was in the Bible until I spent those years in jail. I was constantly finding new treasures.” A dedicated, regular, and intentional reading of God’s Word is not just a “nice thing”for those who follow Him,  but a requirement for anyone who wants to more thoroughly know the deepness of Who God is. And as the richness of His character is beyond our finite comprehension, His Word will constantly prove to be full of new discoveries.

Treasure hunters celebrate when they find the long-sought riches that they have been looking for.  In much the same way, we should share with others as God reveals Himself through the reading of His Word. After all, there is nothing “bigger or better” than Him.

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I suffer from the hangries.

If you’re unfamiliar with the term, the hangries are a condition that causes normally rational people to get fussy and cranky when they haven’t eaten for an extended period of time. It comes from the words “hungry” + “angry” = hangries.

I wish I was the type of person who could simply forget about eating, but I never have been.  When it’s been too long since my last meal, my body immediately feels the effects. And unfortunately, sometimes those effects caused me to be less-than-pleasant company.

On the flip side, I love the feeling of having eaten a good meal that I know will sustain me for a long period of time. Feeling satiated, I’m energized to take on whatever is next in the day. Satisfied, my body is equipped to do the things that I need to do.

I’ve found that the same is true for my spiritual meals. If I don’t eat, if I’m not regularly partaking of the meet of God’s Word, I get the spiritual version of the hangries. I’m less inclined towards obedience, I’m more inclined to sin, and my focus is on myself rather than God. What I eat, regularly and richly of the truth of God, I’m spiritually equipped to do those things that God has called me to do.

It’s important for our bodies to be satisfied, to have what they need to function as they ought. However, we must recognize that our spiritual well-being also requires nutrients and sustenance; our spiritual health requires regular and intentional feeding. Just like I know the effect on my body when I neglect to give it food, we should recognize the impact on our soul when we don’t provide what it needs. And we should purposefully and regularly consume God’s Word for our soul to be satisfied.

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